It Takes A Village

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Keep Calm and Babysit On: Handling Emergencies

While we hope emergencies never happen, it’s important to be prepared. Here’s what to do if something unexpected occurs.

babysitter with child

Step-by-step guide:

Handling Medical Emergencies:

  • If a child is seriously hurt or you face a medical emergency, call 111 immediately.
  • Make sure you’ve asked where first aid supplies are located when you arrive at the family’s home.
  • Inform the parents of any incidents right away, no matter how minor.

Staying Safe:

  • Trust your instincts. If something feels off about a booking location or situation, contact ITAV support immediately.
  • Never attempt medical procedures you aren’t trained to do (like CPR) unless certified.

Being Prepared:

  • Always have your phone fully charged in case you need to make emergency calls.
  • Double-check the children’s medical information (like allergies) before starting the booking.